
Mass Immigration is a Net Benefit to Western Countries.

Mass immigration has long been a topic of debate in Western countries. Supporters argue that it boosts economic growth, fills labor shortages, and enriches cultural diversity. Critics, however, raise concerns about job competition, social integration, and strain on public services. Does mass immigration ultimately benefit Western nations, or do its challenges outweigh the advantages?

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T-Dog ·

Mass immigration drives economic growth. Immigrants work hard, build businesses, and pay taxes—they’re not a drain on public services but a boost to our economy. If our infrastructure feels the pressure, it's because our policies haven’t kept pace, not because newcomers are inher...

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Luke B ·

Diversity and immigration has a lot of positives, and I think cultures can learn a lot from each other. The reason I am writing in disagree is because of the word 'mass'. All countries have their culture. Italy is Italy. Thailand is Thailand. Iran is Iran. When the demographi...

Mike H ·

No, mass immigration is not a net benefit to Western countries, though controlled and skilled migration can be highly effective. While a limited influx of skilled workers can help fill labour shortages and drive innovation, large-scale immigration often places strain on public se...