Frequently Asked Questions
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Serora is a platform dedicated to having meaningful discussions and debates on important topics. By presenting the best opinions from either side equally, we hope to showcase the nuanced thinking required to find better ways of thinking about any given idea or complex topic. We hope that by engaging in constructive dialogue, that people can learn from each others perspectives and come to a learn more about themselves and others. Share opinions, engage with ideas and help each create a better world
At the center of each debate is a statement that you will either agree or disagree with. Your task is to present your best arguent for why you either agree or disagree with the statement - or both! Go in to detail and provide rationale around your thinking and position. The top arguments for both the agree and disagree positions are presented equally, and other community members can upvote or reply to your statement. The best statemets will bubble to the top.
To participate in discussions, navigate to a topic that interests you and ensure you are logged in. You can then share you opinion, respond to others, and engage with the posts. We encourage well-reasoned arguments supported by evidence. Make sure that you have agreed to the community guidelines and terms of service.
Yes, we have community guidelines that promote respectful dialogue. This includes being civil, avoiding personal attacks, supporting claims with evidence when possible, and being open to different viewpoints. Our goal is to maintain a constructive environment for everyone.
Once you're logged in, you can create a new discussion topic by clicking the 'New Debate' or 'New' button. Write a statement in the format where you can either agree or disagree, choose a relevant category, and optionally write your initial argument or question to start the conversation. Share it with your friends or community!
Debate topics need to be presented as a statement and not as a question, so that people can easily take a side. Correct: 'Marijuana should be legal'. Incorrect: 'Should we legalise marijuana?'. It's important to make your statement as clear as possible. Optionially you can provide some additional context to your statement to help people understand your position.
Serora is specifically designed to present both sides of the argument equally and protect the community from becoming an echo-chamber. The goal of seeking truth rather than reinforcing your own beliefs. We focus on quality over quantity, emphasising well-reasoned arguments and respectful discourse rather than quick reactions or viral content.
To protect the integrity of the platform, everyone that wants to post or comment must be logged in to their account. This helps ensure that everyone is taking the conversation seriously and that the content is not spam or low quality. We also require you to agree to our community guidelines and terms of service to ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to what is allowed and what is not.
Yes! Serora accounts are easily created with social logins, but you have full control over your profile picture, display name and username. If you wish to engage with public content without revealing your identity, update these to whatever you wish. But remember to only engage in constructive dialogue, being anonymous does not mean you can be rude or disrespectful.
Our voting system helps highlight quality contributions. Users can upvote well-reasoned arguments and helpful responses, which pushes them up the list. Votes on specific opinions count toward the agree or disagree counts of that argument.
We have a dedicated team of moderators who ensure that all content follows our community guidelines. They review reported content and take appropriate action when necessary to maintain the quality and integrity of discussions.