
Prize money should be equal in men’s and women’s sports

Prize money should be the same across all gendered sports.

5 Opinions
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N ·

Equal recognition for their efforts and achievements. Rewarding athletes based on performance rather than historical funding disparities ensures fairness and motivates more women to pursue professional sports, ultimately driving growth and interest in all sports categories.

Syed Turab Kazmi ·

Prize money should be equal in men’s and women’s sports to promote fairness and gender equality. Athletes in both categories dedicate the same level of effort, discipline, and commitment to their sports. Equal pay helps challenge stereotypes, encourages greater female participati...

Jojo ·

Agreed, there is no need for a disparity here especially for winning in a particular sport or category. Both achievments should be celebrated and the prize money should not differ based on your gender.

2 people disagree

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Luke B ·

Money paid to people in sport is proportional to the amount of viewers of any that sport and the revenue generated by the organisation. Mens sports leagues have been around longer and have more viewers, which is why they are paid more. Paying women the same without the viewer bas...

Koala ·

Not unless women and men both bring in the exact same amount of money to the sport via sponsors etc. If women earn more for let's say ballet - that's fine with me!

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